Traditional Telugu names follow a unique naming system that differs significantly from conventions used in other parts of India and the world. The format typically consists of "family name (surname), given name (first name)." In some cases, a caste name may be suffixed at the end.
For instance, in the name Devula Rama Naidu, Devula is the family name, Rama is the given name, and Naidu represents the caste.
When the given name comprises multiple words, such as Venkata Satyanarayana Naidu, the last word preceding the caste suffix (Satyanarayana, in this case) is commonly used by others when addressing the individual.
Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, has a connection to Nadella village in Guntur district through his family's roots.
Telugu family names occasionally derive from a place or occupation. For example, Kandukuri originates from Kandukuru, a town in Andhra Pradesh's SPSR Nellore district. Other surnames may indicate a family's traditional profession, like Vungrala (ring maker) or Gurram (horse trader).
The practice of placing the family name first is also observed in other cultures, such as Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Hungarian.
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